The aim of the Senior Years is to prepare the students for life outside the school environment with confidence and independence thus providing students with opportunities to explore Vocational Education and VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning).

The Senior Years encompass a variety of areas that can be placed into 3 main strands.

Work Related Skills


Students are involved in work experience programs in areas such as; gardening, domestic skills, mechanics, office work, Opportunity Shops, Supermarkets, Hospitality and Supported Workplaces. Students are also offered units in TAFE programs such as Horticulture Certificate 1 and 2, Certificate 1 in Work Education, Certificate 1 in Senior Education, Unit 1 and 2 in Work Related Skills and Unit 1 in Personal Development.

Leisure and Recreation

This component of the Vocational Education and VCAL programs includes MSAC, where students are exposed to a variety of sports activities that actively involves them in making choices and participating in new skills. Students also participate in various Camps, such as super ride, surf and Outdoor recreation and CBD camps. Co-ordination, teamwork and physical activity are also encouraged in Dance and Sports activities and other extra curricula activity such as bowling, golf, swimming, sailing and fishing.

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Independent Living Skills

Living skills is a major component of the Senior sub school. It involves two main areas:

The House: This house provides a ‘real life’ environment where students can learn and practice a variety of independent living skills such as grooming, meal preparation and domestic skills such as vacuuming, washing dishes, making beds and ironing.

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Community Awareness: This includes Travel training (road safety, pedestrian skills and public transport) and skills to interact with others in their environment through placing orders, making requests and purchasing goods as part of a community. Community Access teaches them how to access facilities and what they are required to do in order to take part in specific community based activities.