Melbourne Specialist International School in Singapore

Last year plans for new partnership were finalised. AV (AV) has partnered with Melbourne Specialist International School (MSIS), Singapore to develop and implement the Visual & Performing Arts program and utilise an Integrated Services Delivery Model.

The AV (AV) and Melbourne Specialist International School (MSIS) partnership is a wonderful opportunity to build truly international Specialist Education. The team at AV are extremely excited by the partnership and the potential to share approaches and further develop the best practices within Special Education across two countries and locations. By working collaboratively and sharing expertise we believe both settings will strive forward in the implementation of relevant programs to support students with disabilities to reach their potential.

With Juliet leading the implementation of AV’s programs and models at MSIS we are confident students with Special education needs in Singapore will be well supported.

Philanthropic/Business Partnerships

As a government school AV is primarily funded for basic day to day operational costs. There would not be any of the “extras” (services and resources beyond the government model) if it wasn’t for the way in which partnerships have been developed with other government, corporate, community and individual entities to raise philanthropic support for the school.
Through tireless networking and the belief in the motto “just do it”, the school has been transformed from an under-resourced “needy” school to a thriving school community that would rival any private college for resources, teaching and education programs and facilities.

Projects established in partnership with philanthropic support include:

  • The Senior Playground Upgrade
  • AV in partnership with the Pratt Foundation and State Government have developed a fully serviced performing arts centre including: performance space, audio/visual recording studio, arts room and gymnasium.
  • The Lady Brockhoff Music Centre
  • The Thiess Independent Living House
  • The Nell Griffin Information Technology Centre
  • Variety Club of Victoria/AV

At every stage students are involved and enmeshed in every Community function, i.e. the Choir sings, children’s’ art work is utilised.

Educational Partnerships

  • Appointment of Prof Carl Parsons, Assoc Dean of Research, Latrobe University. Prof. Parsons organises speech programs for 22 schools in Inner South Region.
  • Partnership through Australian Research Council with AV, Latrobe University, Victoria University and Fildes Foundation to research Brain & Visual patterns of children with disabilities.
  • Partnership with Victorian College of Arts (VCA) and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra to facilitate opportunities where all parties (and AV students) can learn from each other and work together to develop a greater understanding of the arts and people with disabilities.

Community Partnerships

In partnership with Invergowrie Foundation, AV is funded to run the Fast ForWord Program for girls to develop their literacy skills through a technology based learning program. This aims to improve and develop cognitive and reading skills. They also support a continence training program for students, which provides practical support to the mothers of our students.

If you or your business is interested in exploring how you can become a AV partner, please contact the school directly on +61 3 9646 0855 or email port.phillip.ss@edumail.vic.gov.au